
Hongyuan hyperbaric oxygen chamber benefits the people in Shanyin County


On the eve of the National Day, the first high-pressure oxygen chamber equipment in Shanyin was settled in the People's Hospital of the County . From that moment on, the patients who need oxygen therapy will no longer have to worry about it, and they don’t have to go out and go out at the door of the house! At the same time, it also hopes for the emergency of critically ill patients!


 Hyperbaric oxygen cabin

case 1:

At about 10 pm on December 6, 2018, many patients with carbon monoxide poisoning were taken back to our hospital for rescue. Three of them were unconscious. The situation is critical! After the life-saving magic weapon - hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the patients who were originally confused are completely better; the patients with clear consciousness are better in mental state!

Case 2:

The patient was a male, 45 years old, Shanyin, who was hospitalized in a top three hospital in Datong for “two hours of numbness in the right limb”. After one week, the patient was discharged and returned home. However, just a few days after being discharged from the hospital, the patient still felt the numbness of the side limbs with fatigue, so he came to our hospital. After receiving hyperbaric oxygen treatment for 10 times, the symptoms improved significantly, and the patient was particularly pleased.

Case 3:

The patient was male, 59 years old, was admitted to the hospital because of "left limb limitation with dizziness for 8 years." He has a history of hypertension for 9 years and a history of sequelae of cerebral infarction for 8 years. On the right side of the hospital, the muscle strength of the right limb was normal (ie, grade 5), and the muscle strength of the left limb was grade 3 (6 grades, 0 grade is the worst, grade 3 can only lift off the bed, but can not resist the resistance), walking Help with crutches. Skull CT showed multiple intraocular changes in the plaque-like ischemic white matter, and bilateral infarcts in the basal ganglia, thalamus, and right ventricle.

The patient has a long illness and the symptoms are heavy. How to improve is the most concerned issue in front of the family and the doctor. Fan Yonggang, director of the hyperbaric oxygen chamber center, advised patients to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It turns out that the doctor's plan and patient's choice are correct. In the treatment of hyperbaric oxygen for 70 times, the left limb muscle strength of the patient was significantly improved, the symptoms of dizziness disappeared completely, and even more unexpectedly, the hyperbaric oxygen also brought the strength of the patient's walking - the original crutches are now only a single Turn to support walking!

Till now (January 17th), more than 2,300 person-times of hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been completed cured in our hospital since the introduction of hyperbaric oxygen chambers. Among them, 50% of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, 20% of cerebrovascular diseases, 10% of brain injury, 10% of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, others such as sudden deafness, diabetic complications, multiple sclerosis, etc. To improve clinical symptoms, the cure rate of the disease can reach to 90%.

Hyperbaric oxygen clinical indications: carbon monoxide poisoning and other harmful gases, toxic encephalopathy, sudden deafness, ischemic cerebrovascular disease, craniocerebral injury, recovery of cerebral hemorrhage, fracture and healing, coma and plant state, peripheral nerve injury , osteonecrosis, intrauterine growth retardation, diabetes and complications, coronary heart disease recovery, myocarditis, peripheral vascular disease, dizziness syndrome, peptic ulcer, vascular headache, multiple sclerosis, bronchial asthma, senile cognition Obstacle disease, etc.

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