
The era of intelligent medicine is coming! Hongyuan medical oxygen chamber boosts development.



New technologies like big data and artificial intelligence are competing with each other. Smart medical and smart hospitals have emerged as the times require. It is inevitable that traditional hospitals will be transformed into smart hospitals.

On May 4th, the “2019’ Smart Hospital Medical Equipment Planning and Operation Management Summit Forum”was launched in Beijing. It was sponsored by the Management Branch of China Medical Equipment Association and undertaken by Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University. Hospital supervisors from all levels, heads of medical equipment, heads of medical equipment departments, more than 300 experts in related fields gathered to share wonderful academic feast.This forum was co-organized by China medical network.


At the opening ceremony, the leaders of the China Medical Equipment Association, Zhao Zilin, chairman of the China Medical Equipment Artificial Intelligence Alliance, and other experts jointly opened the "Time Button" and opened the forum. Through expert dialogues, experience sharing, and special reports, the forum comprehensively summarizes and exchanges new experiences and new mode of the development and construction of smart hospitals; explores new paths and new methods for the development and construction of smart hospitals in the future, so as to jointly promote the development level of the operation and management of smart hospitals and medical equipment in China.


From a strategic point to see smart hospital
 Medical equipment planning and operation


Chairman of the China Medical Equipment Association and Chairman of the China Medical Equipment Artificial Intelligence Alliance Zhao Zilin pointed out: "At the moment, the rapid development of artificial intelligence has gradually penetrated into various fields and has risen to national strategy. We must seize opportunities, take the initiative to change, and implement artificial intelligence. Developing national strategies such as development planning, Internet + medical health, build a cooperation system for government, industry, research and research, and promote the scientific development of medical equipment planning and operation management in smart hospitals.” Zhao Zilin expressed expectations for the construction of smart hospitals. “This will be our driving force. 

Wang Yongjun, executive vice president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, described the strategy and layout of the new Tiantan Hospital in the construction of smart hospitals: as the first comprehensive three-level hospital to be replaced in Beijing since the founding of New China,Tiantan hospital takes the lead in the construction of smart hospital, bring inthe introduction of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other advanced technologies, adopt“taking patients as the center, building a 'smart hospital'”concept and direction. After the relocation, the daily traffic increased by 3,000 people, intelligent self-service registration, self-service payment and other scientific and technological means have completely changed the queuing phenomenon in the outpatient clinic. The construction of the intelligent ward realized better interaction between doctors and patients. The super-calculation center with the fastest peak computing speed in domestic and other large-scale intelligent hospital facilities, the national Intelligence System R&D Center of the National Center for Neurological Diseases have laid a powerful driving force and engine for the development of the hospital."



Cai Xiujun, vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference and dean of the Shaoyifu Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, gave a speech on "Internet + Medical Health Practice and Exploration in Hospitals". Shao Yifu Hospital is committed to the construction of internet hospitals, allowing patients to "run at most once". This experience has been benchmarked by the National Health Commission and widely promoted throughout the country. Cai Xiujun described a model of “smart hospital” by introducing the Internet +5F thinking, information construction, regional Internet medical platform, and Shaomedical cloud platform. It has a strong reference and is refreshing.


Scientific planning and configuration of medical equipment plays an important role


Hou Yan, deputy director of China Medical Equipment Association, pointed out in the keynote speech on "Thinking about the Construction of "Smart Hospital"", "Building a smart hospital should be application-oriented, focus on overall planning, give full play to the enthusiasm of all parties, and do a top-level design. Grasp the three major connotations: smart service is more comfortable and more caring, smart management realizes the requirements of modern hospital management system, and wisdom diagnosis and treatment pays more attention to clinical decision support and scientific research ability improvement. It regulates operation in big data management, standard specification, safety guarantee, etc. The construction of smart hospitals should be pragmatic, pursue value medical care, and be results-oriented."



Wang Hui, Director of the Equipment Management Division of the Finance Department of the National Health Commission, stated in the interpretation of "The Configuration and Management of Large Medical Equipment in China" that large-scale medical equipment, especially large-scale medical equipment of Class A and Class B, has a higher social concern. Over the years, our state has successively issued six regulations and policies on regulations management, system management, catalog management, planning management, hierarchical management, and access management. To do a good job in the management of large-scale medical equipment configuration, we must study and grasp : the relationship between the regulation and management of medical and health resources allocation; the relationship with the development of medical service demand; the relationship with the development of medical technology innovation; and the relationship between the innovation and development of medical equipment technology. It also reflects the combination of equipment management and legal compliance, integration of equipment configuration with planning and standards, equipment purchase and support, equipment use and efficiency projects, and performance evaluation. 


Development of intelligent equipment help to speed up the scientific  construction


Dai Jianping, a foreign academician of the US National Academy of Sciences and the director of the China Medical Equipment Association's expert committee, gave a keynote speech on "The Future of Medical Imaging". "As a development process of medical image informatization, the key words of cloud PACS are: sharing, collaboration, standard and extension." Clinically, imaging is an important basis for diagnosis. More than 90% of medical data comes from medical imaging. Artificial intelligence has great prospects in the field of medical imaging. Dai Jianping expounded the "past, present and future" of medical imaging in a simple way, which made the participants present gain a lot.



The development of medicine first comes from the development of equipment. In the era of smart medical care, how to use smart medical equipment to leverage the development of disciplines? Zhou Jianxin, deputy dean of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, shared the "The future of intensive care" from the perspective of doctors. ICU is a device-intensive department, focusing on strengthening the current and future progress of intensive care. Zhou Jianxin introduced the importance of data collection and data application in the department of critical care medicine, focusing on monitoring visualization, AI data processing direction, and non-invasive data collection to alleviate patients’ suffering. Through the collection and comprehensive utilization of various monitoring data plus AI artificial intelligence to make the treatment more accurate and finer. This keynote speech on "IntelligentICU" brought us hope and inspiration.



Cai Kui, Chairman of the Medical Engineering Branch of the Beijing Medical Association and Vice Chairman of the Management Branch of the China Medical Equipment Association, gave a speech on "Technology Development and Application of Medical Apparatus and Instruments". As the focus of the global high-tech industry competition, the medical equipment industry is the important engine to drive and lead the development of multidisciplinary technology development. From the perspective of "the history of reform and opening up - the development of medical devices for 40 years", from different dimensions of industry characteristics, development process, policy background, key links, technological innovation, etc. bring us a panoramic view of the development of medical equipment in China.

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