
The hyperbaric oxygen chamber built for Anqing Bingfeng Hospital was officially put into use.



In order to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment, our hospital has invested in the introduction of the most advanced GY3400D1-B2 medical air pressurized oxygen chamber in China, which was officially put into use on April 3. Equipped with professional technicians and specializing in the treatment of hyperbaric oxygen.

Medical hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a mechatronics set of medical equipment, mainly consisting of systems for supply and exhaust, oxygen supply and exhaust, cabin air conditioning, cabin water fire, intercom and emergency call, television monitoring, cabin lighting and cabin control. In the composition, the interior decoration is made of non-combustible and non-flammable materials. It can provide a very comfortable and safe treatment environment for patients in the cabin, and can treat 16 patients at a time.

Why hyperbaric oxygencancure a patient?

Oxygen is the foundation of life. The transportation of oxygen in human body depends on blood circulation. There are two ways to carry oxygen in the blood. One is to combine with hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin. This part of oxygen does not increase with increasing oxygen concentration after being fully saturated. The other way is oxygen dissolved in plasma in a physical state. A portion of the oxygen dissolves only 0.3 ml per 100 liters of blood at normal pressure. In high pressure oxygen, 6 ml of oxygen can be dissolved per 100 ml of blood, which is 20 times higher than that under normal pressure. Therefore, hyperbaric oxygen can rapidly increase the blood oxygen content, oxygen partial pressure and blood oxygen dispersion in a short period of time, thereby improving the hypoxia state of the tissue, promoting the functional recovery of various organs in the body, and playing a role in treating diseases.

What diseases can hyperbaric oxygen treat?

Through in-depth research in recent years, the treatment of hyperbaric oxygen has involved internal, external, women, children, eyes, facial features, oral and other subjects. There are more than 100 indications. There are three main categories:


 I: Hyperbaric oxygen is the primary treatment, such as acute carbon monoxide poisoning, bubble embolism, acute fundus venous and venous embolism, sudden deafness, acute craniocerebral injury and post-traumatic syndrome, cerebral hemorrhage caused by various causes, Infarction, blood supply disorders after replantation of severed limbs, etc.

 II: Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjuvant treatment, such as coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, thromboangiitis obliterans, ulcerative colitis, osteomyelitis, poor fracture, refractory skin ulcer, vertigo syndrome, acute spinal cord injury Wait.

 III: There is a certain theoretical basis and efficacy, but further exploration is needed, such as senile dementia, nodular erythema, scleroderma, and young acne. In particular, anti-aging research is extremely eye-catching.

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